Daily Entertainment
These events, exhibits and activities happen daily at The Marshfield Fair!
Pine Meadows Farm Children's Zoo

The Zoo Show by Records and Burpee
Lance Gifford & Co. - Illusionists
Fiesta Shows - Family Midway
Rick Boni Chainsaw Artist

Pool Party Pooches

Bird/Wood Carvers
Blacksmith Shop
Marshfield Fair Model Railroad
Glass Blower

Water and Landscape Gardens

Organic Gardens

Draft Horse Hitch

Marshfield Fair Historical Museum

Butterfly Hatchery

Quilting Bee
Arts & Crafts

Horticulture Displays
Agricultural Displays

Giant Pumpkins

Photography Exhibits
Souvenir & Gift Shops

Little L of the Vegetable Circus

A Silent Soapbox

Janoah Bailin

Darren Yong