Equus caballus
25-30 yearsType of Animal
MammalAnimals Diet
HerbivoreHorses are large animals used for recreational riding, and also for transportation, logging, and other laborious tasks. Horses are a popular farm animal across the United States.
Baby = Foal
Young intact male = Colt
Mature intact male = Stallion
Castrated male = Gelding
Young female = Filly
Mature female = Mare
Group called = Herd
Where in the world can this animal be found in the wild? What is its habitat like?
Almost anywhere! North America (Mustangs, Chincoteague Ponies), Asia (Przerwalskis Horse, Mongolian Wild Horse), Europe (Konik, Camargue) and Australia (Brumbies).
How many breeds of this animal are there?
What is this animal's purpose?
The primary purpose of raising horses is for recreational activities, such as riding and equestrian sports. However, they have historically served various practical roles, including transportation, logging, ploughing, and as pack animals. Their versatility and strength have made them valuable assets in different aspects of human life throughout history.
Give a brief overview of the animal's history in the United States.
Horses arrived in North America with the Spanish Conquistadors in the 16th century. Many loose or stray horses then formed feral herds that have become the American Mustangs and still retain many Spanish traits today. Other horses that were obtained and bred by Native American tribes were developed into modern breeds, such as the Appaloosa which was developed by the Nez Perce and are known for their unique spotted coats. A greater variety of horses were later imported to the U.S. in the late 17th and early 18th century; starting with many light breeds that were easily transported by ships and eventually the heavier draft breeds to be used for farming and carriages.
Benefits of Working with Horses
Horses are a more unique livestock species in that they are primarily used for recreational riding. Horseback riding has developed into a popular sport in many countries, and is a leading species within the agricultural industry. Working with horses provides young riders with the opportunity to learn horse behavior and use it to train and develop a relationship with a large, athletic animal. There are so many aspects to horsemanship, and so many subjects within equine study, that you can always learn more! Horsemanship truly requires all 4 H’s: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
Fun Facts!
- The Arabian is considered the oldest developed breed still around today.
- Horses have 205 bones in their body; that’s one less than humans!
- A horse’s gestation period is 11 months.
- The Quarter horse is the most popular breed in the world.
- Horses only need about 4 hours of sleep each day! (And they can lie down or stay standing to sleep!)
- The Morgan Horse breed was developed right here in New England!
Become a 4-H Member
If you are interested in joining 4-H, visit https://plymouthcounty4h.org/, or fill out our Plymouth County 4-H interest form.